Thursday, November 13, 2008

Step Brothers (2008)

Will Ferrell films are always a guilty pleasure for Mr Pinky. Sure they’re juvenile and full of fart jokes. A lot of the humour comes across as a race to the bottom. How gross can you make the jokes?

Ferrell’s theme seems to be the emotionally stunted male. Nonetheless, I laugh and laugh, but dare not analyse my responses beyond that. I'm too scared at what I may find!

If for nothing else, you must watch this film for the ‘tea-bagging’ scene involving a drum kit. It’s so outrageous, you’ll most likely never see its like again.

This film is fine and silly fun that’s meant to be enjoyed for the insane trip that it is. Although I’m starting to think Will Ferrell’s films might have deeper meanings below the surface, a plunge into the messy subconcious of the permanently adolescent male.

(The film cost $65 million to make and has returned in profits $125 million. You wonder where the $65 million went when shooting it.)

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