Sunday, December 14, 2008

WALL-E (2008)

Mr Pinky was recently fortunate enough to be invited to an exclusive viewing of the new Pixar movie, WALL-E.

WALL-E (pronounced Wally) is a cute little robot that works for a corporate clean up company. He roams a desolate earth, despoiled by our industrialised, throwaway society.

The earth that is left behind by us greedy humans looks like a huge landfill. Honest toiler WALL-E (which in fact means Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class) packs this trash up into little cubes and stacks them.

Enter EVE (Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator), a pristine white robot that is sent to earth in search of plant life. The meeting of the two leads to a space adventure that eventually brings human life back to earth.

The most amazing thing about WALL-E, for this viewer anyway, is the amazing leaps and bounds that Pixar is making both technically and aesthetically with their films. Pixar really is involved in a renaissance in film making as an art form. You watch absorbed in the amazing Pixar landscapes and it's like you're walking through a computer generated Sistine Chapel. Awe inspiring.

Another thing I loved about the film was that half of it is almost a silent film. For the first half hour or forty-five minutes there is no dialogue. I was almost disappointed that people did eventually speak, as it broke the poetic mood of the film.

If you want to experience something entirely new and revolutionary you must see WALL-E

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